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One of the simplest ways to dress up a front porch for Halloween is with a wreath like an easy and fun yarn-wrapped Black Cat Wreath or a creepy Spiderweb Wreath, or even a farmhouse style Ghostly White Pumpkin Wreath.
I have a 9 year old daughter who just loves cats. She’s been a black cat for Halloween at least twice now. So, I thought she would love helping me decorate for Halloween with this easy DIY Black Cat Wreath. This post contains affiliate links.
How do you make a Black Cat Wreath furry?
I saw a very expensive black cat wreath in a craft store and thought I could make something similar and cheaper. The original was wrapped in fur fabric, but after pricing that, I knew we needed another option.
You know how much I love my loopy yarn wreaths, and I thought about using loop yarn in black. But, then I wondered how many cats have loopy or curly hair? None I could think of, so that was out. So, I walked the yarn aisle, and I found some very fuzzy, soft, and thick black blanket yarn. I thought if it was wrapped around a wreath it would make some lovely cat fur. It’s called Bernat Blanket Yarn in the color “Coal.”
They have two versions of this yarn, one is just Blanket Yarn and one is called Blanket Yarn Extra. I used Extra as it was extra fluffier, but both kinds will work. Plus, this yarn comes in HUGE skeins, so you only need one and will not even use half the skein to make this. If you want to make two of these wreaths, one for you and one for a friend, you’ll still just need one skein because it’s so huge.
How do you make a Black Cat Wreath?
Follow this tutorial along to easily make a Black Cat Halloween Wreath to put on your front door. It’s simple, cute, and so festive!

Black Cat Halloween Wreath
Get in the Halloween spirit with an easy to make yarn-wrapped Black Cat Wreath.
Knot the yarn onto the wreath.
Begin wrapping the wreath all the way around with the yarn.
Once the wreath is totally wrapped, add a dab of hot glue to keep the ends of the yarn secure.
Cut the triangles from the glitter foam for the ears. Two purple for the inside of the ears and two black for the outside.
Take the backing off the purple glitter triangles and stick them inside the black glitter triangles.
Hot glue a piece of fuzzy yarn around the edges of the ears.
Hot glue the ears on the wreath to look like cat ears.
Cut out a bow tie from the purple glitter foam.
Cut out a square of black glitter foam to fit the center of the bow tie.
Just like with the ears, hot glue a piece of black fuzzy yarn around the entire edge of the bow tie.
Attach the bow tie to the wreath at the bottom as pictured.
You're done! Hang it on the door for Halloween!
More Halloween Decor Ideas
There’s tons more ideas for Halloween decor here. Here’s a few you might like:
- Halloween DIY Voodoo Skeleton Queen Door Decor
- Halloween DIY: Creepy Crow and Bones Wreath
- Halloween Glam Spider Wreath Tutorial
- DIY Halloween Monster Eyes Wreath
- Beware of Monster Wreath