I found this cotton wreath on Amazon and thought it would be perfect to look like little spider eggs ready to hatch on Halloween. Creepy, right? So, I turned it into a Cotton Spider Web Wreath for the door at my daughter’s new college apartment. This post contains affiliate links.

It’s so cool! I even found battery-operated spider lights at the Dollar Tree to go with it. This wreath will take you about five minutes to make.
Table of Contents
What do you need to make a Cotton Spider Web Wreath?
The cool thing about this wreath is it kind of does the creepiness factor all by itself. The balls of cotton look very similar to creepy spider eggs.
All you need to do is head to the Dollar Tree and pick up a bag of spider webs, a bag of small fake spiders (even spider rings will work), and a bigger plastic spider. You can also find the spider lights there as well.
I used a zip tie to hold the battery back for the lights onto the wreath. You can also find those at the Dollar Tree.
You can even get the wreath hanger for your door there, too!
How do you make a Cotton Spider Web Wreath for Halloween?
This is the easy part!

If you have spider lights, start with those first. Weave them in and out around the cotton stems. And, make sure to zip tie the battery pack or it will keep falling out and ripping the spider lights off the wreath. (Ask me how I know this, ha!)

Next is the spider web. I took my spider web out the package and measured a length of it against the diameter of the wreath, which is 16 inches. Then, I cut that length of spider web.

The spider webs in these packages can be huge, and you really don’t need that much. I found a little goes a long way. It’s more about taking the time to spread it out and stretch it all over the web.
Just keep stretching it and stretching it until it looks more and more authentically like a spider web. This was the longest part of making this wreath.

After you’re happy with the web placement, then it’s time to put those little baby spiders all over the wreath. I just wanted them to look like freshly hatched babies waiting on their mama. Once, I was happy with placement, I just hot glued them on.

Then, it’s time to put mama somewhere around the top of the wreath. Once I liked where she was placed, I wrapped her little legs around some branches in the wreath and hot glued her body.

I found this particular big spider at Target for about $4. I had a brown-colored spider that I thought looked more authentic from Dollar Tree for just $1, but my daughter really liked the look of this spider with the golden gems for eyes.
More Halloween Wreath Tutorials
- Spooky Tree & Cat Silhouette Halloween Wreath
- Pumpkin Ghosts Burlap Halloween Wreath
- Another Spooky Spider Web Wreath
- Yarn Wrapped Black Cat Wreath

Halloween Cotton Spider Web Wreath
- cotton stem wreath
- small spiders
- one big spider
- bag of stretchy spider web
- Optional: spider lights
Weave the spider lights around the cotton stems of the wreath.
Zip tie the battery back to the back of the wreath.
Remove the spider web from the package and measure the length with the diameter of the spider wreath. Cut the spider web to the same length as the diameter of the wreath.
Lay the spider web over the front of the wreath and begin stretching it all over the wreath toward the back. Keep stretching until you are happy with the look.
Take the small spiders and place them where you want on the wreath. Hot glue them in the spots.
Decide the placement of the large spider towards the top of the wreath. Hot glue it in place.
Hang your wreath!