My husband and I love to make each other handmade gifts, and one of my favorites I’ve made him is a DIY Valentine Love Jar. This is a sponsored post.
Table of Contents
Our Love Story
After six years of marriage, I still feel butterflies and my heart skips a beat when I catch a glance of my husband. We met in a typical 21st-century fashion. We both had gotten out of bad marriages and tried the same dating website. I wrote a novel about who I was and what I loved and what I wanted in a partner. He found it and sent me YouTube videos of him performing songs he had written.
I remember having just come home from a bad first date when I received his first message. It was as if he was THE guy I had been dreaming about. I was cautiously optimistic. We started writing long emails back and forth every day. I loved coming home from work to find another email from him. (Even now, we both still have them saved in our email accounts.)
Within a week or so, we were talking on the phone and chatting online nearly every night after I put the kids to bed. He was such a breath of fresh air. We debated all kinds of things such as the meaning behind Shakespearean phrases and living life complexly.
Soon we had a date. It was actually a spur of the moment on a Saturday. He invited me up to his hometown which was about an hour away. My children were visiting their father, so I got in the car and went to meet him. It was amazing! Neither one of us wanted that night to end.
After a short while, I introduced him to my children and before we knew it, he fit perfectly in with us. My mom even loved him. Within six months we were married and had a baby on the way. Even now, we all forget he wasn’t there at the very beginning of our older kids’ lives. Our life is good, and I am so thankful I met this amazing man.

Finding time to be a couple can be difficult when you’re in the middle of life with kids. One way that helps me is to schedule a regular date night at least once a month. Whenever we go out just the two of us, it feels like those first few dates. It really helps us to connect and keep our romance going.
Intimacy is important to both of us. It keeps us connected and our marriage strong. I truly believe it is the glue that holds a marriage together. However, until the kids are asleep, I have a difficult time getting into that groove. One way that really helps to spice things up is a sensual massage.
Make a DIY Love Jar
My husband loves trying something new, so I thought this would be perfect to surprise him for Valentine’s Day.
I created a “Love Jar” with printable love coupons and mini love notes. Then, I filled a jar with all of them and hid the K-Y® TOUCH® inside.
There are so many love jar ideas out there, You can make this, too, and surprise your partner with an intimate gift this V-Day!
What do you need to make a DIY Valentine Love Jar?
You’ll need a jar, the free printables, and a little intimate surprise to hide between all the strips of paper from the printables.
Download the Files
How do you make a DIY Valentine Love Jar?
DIY love jar ideas like this are a great way to keep your love story going strong, and a little touch goes a long way to create a deeper connection with your partner.
First, you’ll want to print out all the printables.
Make sure to print them on regular paper and NOT cardstock. You’ll want to be able to roll them up or fold them up to put in the jar.
You can hide something adult and intimate in the middle of the jar like a bottle of one of KY’s new warming lubricants or a mini bottle of alcohol.
Looking for more fun ideas to do for Valentine’s Day? Check these out:
Naughty Coupon Book for Valentine’s Day

DIY Chocolate Mint Body Butter
I love the idea of a “love jar”. I will be doing something similar for Valentines Day. My hubby and I don’t go mad for it but we do something small.
It’s so important to keep the romance alive. These are great date night ideas! I can’t believe Valentine’s Day is only a few weeks away.
I really love the idea of the love coupons! When my sister and I were little kids we would make me mom ‘chore coupons’ for Christmas and her birthday <3
We don’t have anything on the books for Valentine’s Day at this point. I like your jar idea though – seems like it would be a fun way to being a little love!
Who can resist a good massage? It’s funny that you wrote about this because just recently I found an online video series for couples massage (totally non-creepy or sexual, just FYI) and my husband and I would love to buy the series. Maybe I’ll have to pick up this creme to go along with it. I’d been using almond oil, but would be happy to try something else. Thanks for the info!
What a FUN idea! I love your story! Thanks for sharing it! -client
Love your story and that DIY love jar is such a cool idea!
They D I Y gift would really be more meaningful. I like the ideas of having date coupons in the jar.
This is indeed an awesome love story. I do believe every couple needs that alone time together at least once a month to keep the excitement going. The jar is an amazing gift idea with the little something in there along with the printable coupons. for sure. Thanks for sharing your love story and the printables.
We just got married two months ago but I love these romance ideas!! I want us to always feel like we are still on our honeymoon!!
It’s easy to forget about that spark and get caught up in day to day life, so this is a fun idea. That jar is too fun.
I love your story and your super ideas for Valentine’s Day.
I am loving this. Love coupons are such a great idea. I’d never think of them. Such a cute and fun way to do valentines!
What an awesome story and gift to give your guy for Valentine’s Day! This is an awesome way to celebrate intimacy 🙂
Thanks for sharing these romantic ideas. I hope you two have a wonderful Valentine’s Day in just a few weeks! #client
Thanks for sharing your love story. All these are great gift ideas and romance in marriage is so important. I’ll be making a love jar for sure this year.
You have a beautiful love story! Thanks for sharing it!
I wish my husband appreciated diy gifts but unfortunately he likes materialistic gifts, lol.