While being stuck at home for the past month, one of our saving graces has been games – board games, card games, video games. We are a game-loving family. And, having a big family with kids who range in age from 3 to 20, finding games for the whole family can be a challenge.

Today I’ve got a few games that are fun for all of us. Playmonster sent me Meltdown, Stacktopus, and See What I Mean in exchange for this post. This post also contains affiliate links.
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Looking for fun games for the whole family?
Watch this video to see how much fun my kids have had playing these games. We play one of these at least once every couple of days. They are so much fun!

We love this game because everyone can play it from the 3 year old on up. It’s a great game because not only is it easy to set up, it’s super easy to learn. Even my 3 year old understands how to play. Plus, it’s a game that your kid can play alone as a game of skill or everyone can play with 2-4 people.
There is a ball of slime you set on top of the container. Then, you balance a platform on the slime. Next, you’ll roll a dice and have to set cubes on top of the platform. Your goal is to get all your blocks on before it falls. If some fall while taking your turn, you have to add those blocks to your current ones.

I love it because the container that holds everything is also the base for playing the game. It doesn’t take up much space, and if we ever travel again, it’s perfect to take along with you.
This is one of the newest games that Playmonster sent us, and it is so much fun! It’s a game of skill. There are colored cups that you must stack in certain patterns using only your fingers stuck in tentacles.

We are an uber competitive family when it comes to games, and everyone loved racing to get the stacks done. We also laughed so much as each of attempting to use the tentacle fingers.

My older kids spent an entire hour playing this game, and they were able to entertain their 3 year old sister because she could just stack the cups without using tentacle fingers.
See What I Mean
This was the other game that Playmonster sent us. My older kids and I stayed up late one night laughing our heads off at this game. It’s a bit like Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity, but safe for families.

The funny thing about this game is that it’s hilarious pictures that real people have taken. In fact, we read in the instructions that there is even a way to send your own pictures in for future version of the game.
Each turn someone is the judge. The judge flips over a funny picture, and the players have to choose an appropriate saying on their cards. There’s different types of sayings like funny ones or ones your grandma might say, etc. Then, the judge awards a little game piece prize for the best and second best, and a black sheep for the worst.

We laughed and laughed at the sayings and the pictures. It is a lot of fun, and very easy and fast to play.