I love making homemade Valentines with my kids each year. We decide what they want to give, and then I whip up a printable to go along with it. We’ve done this since my 16 year old was little. Sometimes I can still talk my 16 year old into making a few for her friends.

This year my 5 year old is the only one who has a class valentine party as my just turned 12 year old is in middle school now. My youngest still has years of Valentine’s parties, so I’m not feeling sad just yet.

We decided to go with applesauce pouches this year, to be a little healthy. She loves them and so do the kids in her class. I printed up a fun “Awesome Sauce” themed card.
Table of Contents
Download these FREE Awesome Sauce Valentines!

More Printable Valentines
I’ve also compiled a ton of other great printable Valentine’s Day ideas. I can’t wait to hear your favorite!

Big Hero 6 Tic Tac Valentines | You’re One in a Minion Valentines | Super Hero Valentines
You Blow Me Away Valentines | Rice Krispies Kisses Valentines
Cuties for Cuties Valentines | Sugar Free Valentines

May the Force be with You Valentines | You’re a Reel Catch Valentines
I think you’re the Bomb Valentines | Super Hero Valentines | Fruit Snack Valentines
Play Doh Valentines | You Rock Valentines | Owl Be Your Valentines

Glowstick Valentines | Crazy Straw Valentines | I Like You Beary Much Valentine
How to Train Your Dragon Valentines | Tiny Animal Valentines

Need a doggie valentine? Check these out! They are so cute!!
Love this list! Thank you so much for including my sugar free Valentine. Have a great weekend!!
That is an awesome collection of printable valentine’s cards. I like how many noncandy options there are too!
This is a brilliant collection of printables. I smiled at the puns on most of them. I think my favourite is the Star Wars one as my hubby is a big fan.
Some of these ideas are just too adorable! I need to start working on Valentine’s for my youngest son’s class this week and there are several ideas on here that are just too perfect!
Ah these are such great ideas. That’s perfect to put on little squeezers. So creative! Also love the baymax tic tacks too.
These are all sooo cool! I love the hero one. Adorable!
Love these Valentine’s Day diy ideas. The applesauce one is my favorite.
These are all indeed adorable ideas for Valentine card printables. I will have to share these ideas with my sister and niece for their kids. Okay got to admit I love the doggie treats.
There are so many cute ideas here! We love making our own Valentine cards and special treats for the class!
I think that DIY Valentines are always much better than cheap store bought ones. Plus you’re doing a fun activity with your kids!
I was debating whether or not I was going to buy Valentines or make my own…these look pretty easy and fun to make with the kids.
What a cute and clever way to incorporate Go Go Applesauce and Valentine’s Day! I love the play on words.
Omg so many cute ideas!!! We did my little pony Gogo squeezes last year for my daughters preschool class!
Oh what a lovely collection for children – I am definitely going to try some with my tot, thank you. Kaz
I have exactly what info I want. Check, please. Wait, it’s free? Aweeoms!