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Girls love dinosaurs, too! I’m so glad clothing companies are finally coming around and making clothes for girls with fun stuff like dinosaurs and astronauts. For years my 7 yr old daughter has gone over to the boys department so she could have dinosaur t-shirts. Her favorite color is pink, so she’s thrilled to be able to find pink dino t-shirts now in the girl department.
She’ll tell you in a heartbeat that the T Rex is her fave. We found this crazy looking T Rex at the local children’s resale shop. It’s arms are freakishly shorter than they should be. I like to call it Nubs.
When we saw these cute Dinosaur erasers in the Valentine aisle, I knew what our valentines for this year would be. You can find them at Walmart and the dollar stores.
Table of Contents
You Make My Heart Saur!
You can download the free printable for this Valentines below.
For the most part, these are super easy to put together. Just print the Valentines on cardstock and cut them out.
I found a clever way to attach the dinosaur erasers with hair elastics. I punched 2 holes by where the dinosaur should be attached and then I used those tiny hair elastics to hold them to the card. I love that idea so much more than just tying them on with string.
Just hold the elastic through the hole punches and then attach one side around the legs and the other side to the head, neck, or body. It will take practice with the first couple, and then you’ll get them attached quickly.
Best of all, these are perfect for everybody for Valentines Day! Yay! You Make My Heart SAUR!
Looking for a few other class Valentine ideas? Check these out:
You’re One in a Minion, Valentine
I think You’re Awesome Sauce Valentine
Pretzel Fishing Rod Valentines
What Valentines are you making this year?