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College kids and the adults in your life can be hard when it comes to finding the perfect holiday gift. But, who doesn’t love games? We are a huge board game, card game, video game family, and our kids now love playing board games with their friends.
Our oldest is in college now, and since way back in her freshmen year, she and her friends have had weekly nights of all kinds of games. I’ve come up with a few that are a lot of fun for college kids and adults, and some of these would work for your older teens, too.
Table of Contents
The BEST Games for Adults
We played several of these over the weekend, and these games are a lot of fun. But…Make sure you really check these games out because while Tossed Salad is a hilarious game, it is also VERY DIRTY and not something for everyone.
My college age daughter gets so mad when we play Monopoly and we play by the rules, so I got this game just for her. We loved Monopoly Cheater Edition so much, I picked up a second copy to donate to a gift basket raffle a few weeks ago. I love that you get put in an actual handcuff when you get caught cheating. 😀
Tossed Salad – This game reminds me of 25K Pyramid where you give clues to the word or phrase but you can’t say it. However the “twist” is that often these words have double meanings and more likely to be in the “urban dictionary” than anywhere else. We had quite the laugh when we had to look quite a few of these up ourselves.
Shit Happens – This is a fun game and very similar to Would You Rather because it’s “crappy” situations you have to choose from. This really made us laugh out loud.
Friend or Faux – This is also a fun one. You read aloud a card you get such as “How Do I Feel About Clowns?” and then other players predict your answer. Whoever is closest gets the points. But..there is also a BS card where you can call someone’s bluff.
Sip It Game – This is a 21 yrs and up drinking game. It’s basically a truth or dare type game, and if you don’t want to do the stunt, then you have to drink.
Hasbro Parody Games
I am so excited about these games; I had to get them all. These are parody games for adults of the classic Hasbro games Clue, Sorry, Life, Mystery Date, and Operation.
Sorry Not Sorry: It works just like the original Sorry game, except if you draw a “Not Sorry” card, it has “Have you ever” questions and if you answer “yes,” you’re more likely to move forward in the game.
Mystery Date: Catfished: I just love this one! You basically wade through a serious of weirdos in the world of online dating. And, you just might get catfished!
Clue: Lost in Vegas: This seems very much like The Hangover movie as a game. You have a bender with friends in Vegas and lose one of them. So, you all must retrace your steps to find where you lost your friend.
Botched Operation: This is just like regular Operation where you have to remove the parts with the tweezers, HOWEVER, you have stunts to do at the same time such as doing it without using your thumbs or getting tickled, etc.
Life: Quarter Life Crisis: This one looks so fun. Basically you start out life with crippling debt and as you go through you might lose your job, your house, or even your WiFi!
More Games
Looking for more game ideas? Check these out:
1 comment
The Hasbro Parody games look like so much fun to play! I never knew they existed. Thanks for the recommendations!