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For the past few years, our vacations have been driving destinations, which means – RoadTrip! While it can be fun going to a new place, getting there can be quite the challenge. With FIVE of us in the minivan, everyone is hungry or thirsty at different times. It’s not much fun to sit in the car for hours. And most of all, no one likes it when someone takes all of one of the good snacks.
I’ve found a way to solve this problem. I created a Road Trip Snack Box for each person. Nate, me, and the kids were each able to pack our favorite treats in our own box. It’s perfect!
Do you know what’s a great snack to refuel when you’re on the go? SNICKERS® and Dr Pepper! Being from Texas, we are a family of Dr Pepper lovers, so that great combination went into a few boxes! And, with SNICKERS® 2-to-go, it’s easy to eat just one bar and save the second one for later.
Just before we left for vacation, we headed to Walmart so each person could pick some favorite treats including SNICKERS® 2-to-go bars and 20 oz. Dr Pepper bottles. You can find both conveniently at the checkout! While there, I also purchased plastic shoe boxes (88 cents/ea) – one for each of us.
I assigned everyone a different colored lid. Each person could decorate how they pleased. My teenager did an awesome job decorating her box. My youngest covered hers in stickers. This is a great way to let your creativity fly.
The night before our trip I packed the snacks and put the drinks in the fridge. Then, the next morning I added the drinks to each box, and we headed out on the road. We went to the Texas coast for some beach relaxation. And, our road trip boxes were great! The kids and Nate loved that they had their own snacks. Nate did most of the driving, and having his own snack box made it easy for him to refuel. Everyone was happy, and we rarely had to make a stop.
Right now SNICKERS® and Dr Pepper have a great coupon – click here. You’ll need to purchase (2) SNICKERS® 2-to-go bars and (2) 20 oz Dr Pepper bottles to receive $1.00 off.
They also have an awesome giveaway, too! SNICKERS® Dr Pepper Refuel Sweepstakes: All you need to do is purchase (2) SNICKERS® 2-to-go and (2) 20 oz Dr Pepper bottles, then text or email your receipt to [email protected] and be entered for a chance to win 1 of 250 available Walmart gas/gift cards.
To find out more – click here for the full instructions.
I am always looking for new ideas! What’s your favorite way to pack snacks for a Road Trip?
Love this! My parents drug us all over the U.S. in the back of our family car. My sister and I would have loved our OWN box of snacks! Pinning!
Brilliant idea! My girls are little, so we typically divvy everything up into their own bags. A box would make that even easier!
If that was MY road trip box, the SNICKERS would go first. Wait…unless I was trying to save it for last because it was my favorite. Hmmm… 🙂