My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is a great fast paced YA sci fi novel. It’s told through the eyes of two teens.
One day an alien mothership shows up in the sky. Humanity soon learns they are not here to make contact, but to exterminate. The first wave was an EMP knocking out power around the world. The second wave was tsunamis. The third wave was a hemorrhagic plague from birds. 97% of us are gone. The fourth wave is much worse because they have infiltrated us and you can’t trust anyone. The fifth wave is coming and unimaginable because what’s worse than turning on each other?
Cassie’s on her own trying to survive the alien apocalypse. Her parents are dead, and she’s lost her little brother, Sam. She trusts no one. Ben, her school crush, has lost his entire family. He’s near death with the hemorrhagic plague when the military rescues him. He’s cared for and nursed back to health and given the chance to be trained to fight the aliens. Or so he thinks…
I really enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down. I read it in about 2 days time. It’s very fast paced but feels so real. It felt like something that could really happen. When I put the book down and got back to reality, I would catch my myself thinking about being in that kind of hopeless terror and having to quickly remind myself it was just a book. I was even dreaming about the storyline when I slept.