I swear dyeing is one of the most satisfying crafts you can do. It’s just so fun to see what the dye does. I have become obsessed with dyeing baby onesies all kinds of ways.
Today I’m going to show you how I dip dyed my little Ivy’s 4th of July onesies and socks in red and blue dyes. It’s so easy and fun.
Table of Contents
DIY Patriotic Dip Dye Baby Onesies
- White Baby Onesies
- White Baby Socks
- Tie Dye Powder in Patriotic colors
- Disposable Cups
1. Get your onesie and socks wet and wring them out thoroughly so they just feel damp.
2. Since we’re only doing 1-2 onesies, use about 1/2 a teaspoon of powder dye mixed with about 8 oz of water for each color.
3. Since I wanted to dip dye two onesies at the same time, I rolled them up like this, so it would be easy to fit two in the cup. Then, I just shoved a pair of socks into each dye bath.
You don’t have to fold the onesies in a certain way. You can just shove each end into each cup. There’s no wrong way — that’s what is so fun about dyeing. You can even use rubber bands to create a more tiedye effect.
4. As soon as you put the onesies in the dye bath, you should see the dye start crawling up the fabric. Allow the dye to work at least 12 hours or so. It’s even better if you let it dye overnight.
5. When you’ve decided the dyeing process is over, just add laundry soap and cold water on a small load in the washer and pour the cups in. The colors will not mix and turn purple or anything like that. I run two cycles when I dye to make sure the excess dye is really washed out.
6. After you run the dip dye baby onesies and socks through the dryer, pull them out and check out your handiwork.
Then you have to have your sweet baby model their new fancy onesies and socks.
Whenever, you take your baby out in their dip dye baby onesies, people will usually ooh and aah over them, and tell you how cute they are, too.
Stay tuned for another tutorial with some more dyeing techniques with baby onesies and socks. I’m rather addicted! 😉