We are a pretty big tech lovin’ family here. My teenage son has been dying to get his hands on some noise cancelling wireless earbuds, but they are so expensive — until now! Recently, we got to try the brand new PaMu Quiet Active Noise Cancelling earbuds. I was given free product in exchange for this review. All opinions are my own.
My teenager is my expert in this area. He loves tech gear and is always up on the latest things. When I told him about this new set of earbuds, he was so stoked to try them out.
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What is Active Noise Cancelling?
It’s a pretty interesting concept. Basically, the headphones or earbuds create an anti noise that cancels out ambient noise. Crazy as that sounds, it’s a concept that goes back to the 1930s!
Noise cancelling is something very important to my teenager. With a family of 6 including a 3 year old, we are a pretty loud family. He likes to be able to tune us all out when he’s playing video games or working on homework – which I completely understand.
PaMu Quiet Wireless ANC Earbuds
Until I started looking at wireless earbuds, I had no idea how hard it is to find affordable ones that have true active noise cancelling (ANC). Until PaMu Quiet, there were not any ANC wireless earbuds that were less than $150. Check out a chart comparing PaMu Quiet to three other brands of ANC wireless earbuds to see how much these offer.
PaMu Quiet have both Qualcomm and ams chips to make their ANC amazing. They strive to be the most affordable and comfortable ANC earphones you can get.
What did we think of PaMu Quiet?
We loved them! They paired instantly with my son’s iPhone. He had them out of the box and in his ears in a matter of minutes with his Spotify music going, and he’s pretty much lived in them ever since. They are great for laying in bed and stream your favorite television shows, podcasts, and definitely music.
In fact, there is now a bit of a battle between with my teenager and his big sister, who is currently away at college. She wants these earbuds, and with the noise cancelling, my teenager is absolutely refusing. He keeps offering his old earbuds to her, which don’t have noise cancelling nor are they anywhere as comfortable as these PaMu Quiet earbuds.
With the price being so affordable for these, we can definitely afford to get another pair for her for Christmas this year.
What we like about PaMu Quiet
The PaMu Quiest fit in your ears so nicely. They also come with three sizes of earbud tips, for optimal sizing.
My son LOVES the case design. It’s like a pocket watch with the way it opens. He also loves the leather lanyard. The landyard costs extra, but is definitely worth it. It’s very nice.
The noise cancelling is really awesome. We tested it out with how loud our family is in this house with all that we do from loud television to loud music. And, even his 3 year old sister, who is so loud, couldn’t be heard.
We also tested them out with phone calls. The sound quality was great. He had no problems hearing phone calls. He also sounded extremely clear talking on the phone with the wireless earbuds. Unlike with other wireless earbuds, I couldn’t tell a difference if he was actually using his phone or just the earbuds.
What we didn’t like about PaMu Quiet
There wasn’t much. My son was slightly annoyed with the light aesthetic because the case has a half circle that lights up when they charge. The case is a circular shape like a pocket watch, but only the top half of the circle has a line that lights up.
At first, he thought maybe the second half wasn’t working, but you can see in the photos that only half of it lights up.
Where can you get your own pair of PaMu Quiet Wireless ANC Earbuds?
They are currently on IndieGoGo. It’s the ONLY place you can get these amazing ANC wireless earbuds right now. And, they’re offering FREE SHIPPING right now!
Check it out! They will make an amazing gift this holiday season for teens, college kids, or just about anyone!