My oldest daughter and I have always loved true crime documentaries and podcasts and just about any kind of crime show we can watch. So, when I came across the Unsolved Case Files games, I knew this was the game for us! This post contains affiliate links.
Unsolved Case Files have quite a few different games. Each one is a murder mystery or cold case file all by itself.
Table of Contents
Unsolved Case Files Game
With these games, you get to be the detective and crack the case!
Each game is a file folder full of the entire case from detective notes to photos and maps and even suspect statements. By combing through the case, you’ll be able to solve it!
What ages would like Unsolved Case Files?
My teen, college kid, husband, and I love these. I have an 11 year old and it’s a little too gruesome for her. She is a sensitive kid, so I didn’t want her to see photos of the dead body.
I would definitely recommend this for teens and older. And, if your tweens are more worldly and very analytical, they would probably love this, too. I could see myself as a tween loving this game because I loved murder mysteries even back then. My grandma got me hooked on Mary Higgins Clark books when I was about 11 years old.

How does it work?
There are a small set of instructions that tell you generally what to do, but then you’re on your own. It also gives a website where you go to see if you’re correct. On that website, it tells you the first thing you need to solve, and it makes you back it up with certain documents. There’s always a couple of things or more to solve in each case.
If the documents you choose to prove your answer are wrong, it won’t let you keep moving forward in the case until you’ve proven the answer and given the right documents for that proof. I
However, if you need help, the website will offer you hints if you need a little help.
Once you solve the first part of the case, it has you solve a second and even third answer.
For example, in one case we did, we first had to prove the original suspect, who was falsely convicted, was actually innocent before we could go on and prove who the real killer was. In another case we did, we first had to prove who was an accomplice before proving who the real killer was, and then we had to go further and find missing people, too.

You have to really comb through all the evidence to find the answers, and it’s so much fun.
They do a great job of adding in a red herring or two, so it takes a lot to be sure who the real killer is.
There’s even internet sites you have to go check out. I’ve seen people complain on the reviews at Amazon that they are annoyed you have to use the internet. I don’t understand that complaint. It adds an extra layer of challenges that makes it a bit harder to solve. I love that!
What we love about Unsolved Case Files
My kids are hooked on these games. We love them. It’s often a Friday night thing to do. We spread it all out on the kitchen table and argue about who the killers are. It’s great fun!
One thing we like is you can play this game totally by yourself with just one person. Or you can get the whole family involved.
Each case is a lot of work. It’s not an easy whodunit.
If you’re doing it alone, it might take 2-3 hours to complete. However, if you’re working with a group of people — usually we play with 2-3 of us — it can take 1 1/2 to 2 hours to complete.

What we don’t like about Unsolved Case Files
There’s not much we don’t like. The only downside is you can pretty much just play the game once.
However, we have gotten a few plays out of one case by doing it in groups of different family members who haven’t solved the case yet. Then, we just sell it as a used game on Facebook Marketplace or eBay and use our earnings to buy another case.
Where do you get Unsolved Case Files Games?
They have a lot of them available on Amazon.
Sometimes we have found $10 coupon codes at the very end of the game after we’ve solved it to apply to a new case.
If your family loves murder mysteries, I highly recommend this game. It’s like you’re a detective solving a real murder case.
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