This is a sponsored blog; while the views expressed here were genuinely mine, consideration was paid to me by Tai Pei Food to review this product.
Do you love Asian inspired meals? Our whole family does, especially my teens. Sometimes I just don’t have time to make dinner. Tai Pei is a tasty alternative when I don’t have time to cook, and one of our favorites is this Beef Broccoli Wrap made with Tai Pei’s Beef & Broccoli.
I always keep our freezer stocked with Tai Pei Asian cuisine entrées. When we all have a crazy schedule, I like knowing my kids can easily fix themselves a healthy meal that tastes delicious and flavorful in just minutes.
Did you know that Tai Pei Asian cuisine entrées are made with clean ingredients and flavor-infused rice and no additives, preservatives, artificial flavors or colors. Each bite is just mouth-watering deliciousness!
Tai Pei entrées are fast and easy because their packaging is designed to steam those tasty ingredients for the perfect portion.
Sometimes we get in a really big rush and need to take a meal on the go, and this is my favorite quick way to have Beef & Broccoli when don’t even have time to bring a fork. It’s a simple Beef Broccoli Wrap, so you can eat on the go. It’s perfect when my teenager needs to eat before his music lessons or marching band practice.
I prepare it just as it says on the package, then transfer it to a tortilla or a pita pocket. If you use taco-sized tortillas, it will take two tortillas. Or, you can use a larger burrito-sized tortilla for the whole entrée.
Tai Pei has 10 deliciously flavored entrées as well as a complete line of appetizers and snacks, too! Click here to find where you can pick up some Tai Pei entrees to satisfy your cravings!