This post brought to you by IGS Energy. The content and opinions expressed below are that of The Tip Toe Fairy.
Being a stay-at-home mom, I am always looking for ways to save on our bills.  Energy costs can easily knock out a budget. I’ve put together a few ways you can really save money on your energy costs.
1. Get a WiFi-enabled programmable thermostat. We switched last year, and our energy savings were amazing. It’s so easy to raise or lower the temperature with just an app when you’re not home. Last summer, we saw significant savings from this easy switch.
2. Lights! Switch to compact fluorescent lights or better yet LED lights. They use less energy for the same amount of light as old bulbs. Plus, you can always save when you turn off the lights when not in a room!
3. When it’s time to upgrade, buy energy efficient appliances. Energy Star appliances can help keep your energy costs down.
4. Power Strips & Smart Power Strips – Leaving electronics plugged in like cell phone chargers can be
5. Here’s my big energy-saving secret! If you live in a deregulated state, you can shop around for your providers for electricity and natural gas!  Every couple of years, I shop around for the best prices on our energy costs.
Do you live in a deregulated state? In certain states, customers are allowed to purchase electricity and natural gas from independent energy suppliers. In the past consumers did not have a choice. Â The local utility was the only option in their neighborhood. Â Years ago my state became deregulated. Â Today, many states are deregulated and allow consumers to shop around for energy companies that best suit their needs. Â It could be the local utility company or it could be a supplier.
What’s the difference?
The local utility is responsible for maintaining and repairing the infrastructure of the poles, pipes, wires, etc. that deliver your electricity or natural gas.  However, the suppliers are companies that sell that energy directly to the consumers like you and me.  These suppliers have more options to purchase energy more efficiently and cost effectively.  Then, they are able to compete by offering services and incentives. When I’ve shopped around I’ve found incentives like gift cards or cheaper rates late at night.
Here’s a great video to explain it all:
You can choose an independent supplier like IGS Energy for your natural gas and electric supply products. They offer natural gas, electricity, and home protection products in 10 states. Â IGS Energy is one of the largest independent suppliers of natural gas and electricity in the country.
They have several ways to enroll:
- directly on,
- through our local home energy consultants in person,
- by mail
- over the phone with highly trained and personable customer service representatives
With more than a million customers, IGS Energy can help you with your energy choice and deregulation.  There are so many options from locking in a specific rate for a specific amount of time to green energy options to a flat rate bill every month. In the past, we’ve chosen suppliers with wind energy only, and we’ve also chosen companies where we can lock in a rate for a year or two.  Locking in a rate or having a flat rate bill each month is a great way to keep your budget on task.
IGS Companies are purpose driven both in business and in the community.  They just had a great Facebook campaign for planting 4000 trees with the Arbor Day Foundation in celebration of Earth Day.  You can learn more about their community involvement at IGS Companies community support.
There are little things you can do every single day to cut utility costs. Whether it’s not over-drying your clothes or going into a room to share a light with someone else. You can always find a way to save a little more money on energy costs.
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I wish we had more choices here for electric. We only have two companies here in that’s all we can choose from. I would love to have a choice like you do there they should do that more places.
We have an HE washer and dryer, and we’re currently making the switch to LED lights. The less energy we use the better.
We don’t have other choices for electric. However we do cut our bill by keeping our doors and windows closed when the air is on and using HE products when we can.
Fabulous. I need to work on more of these to save money and help the environment. Especially now that there are basically three people living in my home.
We live in a state where we can shop around for our electric provider. I have switched companies a couple times in the last few years to save money. It really makes a difference.
Great tips! Energy Star appliances are amazing! My parents still have the older model washer & dryer and it uses so much more energy than mine. Our energy bills are comparable which amazes me! We’re saving so much money with our appliances.
These are all great ways to save money on energy cost for sure. Now days I believe it is so important for us all to conserve our energy sources. I know I save a lot each month by just using the LED bulbs as well as unplugging the appliances that are not being used. Thanks for sharing the tips.
We have limited choices for energy providers and their rates are unbelievably high. These are great tips!
Same here, I have limited choices for energy resources too. Good thing that the electricity rates are not that really high.
This is a great post. I’m always looking for ways to save on anything. I think being able to save money on energy is great. Thanks for sharing!
Great tips on how to save on your energy costs! It is amazing what some wasteful months on the energy bill can look like. I still need to do around and replace bulbs to better ones!
These are great ways to save energy. I need to get new energy efficient appliances.
These are excellent tips and suggestions. I always set my theromstat and leave it. Don’t forget to vacuum your appliances too.
My office has all of our lights on motion sensors. It saves a lot of money.
Being able to save on energy costs, especially in the summer is super important to me. These are great tips.
This is a great tip list to save on energy! Setting your thermostat and making sure that you manage your home temperature to be the same all year long is how we try to make our energy costs low.
We installed a solar panel system to save on energy bills. We also use Energy Star appliances.
We moved into a bigger place last year and I would love to see if are thermostat works with an app too. We have to save money as much as we can.
Unfortunately where I live we don’t have very many options. Hubby and I do try and buy any energy efficient appliances though. Every little bit does help.