This post was sponsored by Premama as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Pregnancy is such a bittersweet time in a woman’s life. I’m on my fourth pregnancy, and while I love knowing I’m going to have a little one arriving soon, I also am completely miserable some days. The worst part is the morning sickness that lasts through the whole pregnancy.
Some women are blessed with little to no morning sickness, while others experience it the whole time. While mine usually always lasts the entire pregnancy, it is something I’ve gotten really good at dealing with.

One of the hardest things for me is the prenatal vitamins that are always the size of horse pills. I have such a struggle to get one down. Thankfully, I have discovered Premama. These are prenatal and postnatal multivitamin supplement mixes for those of us pregnant mamas who have trouble swallowing pills.
I have been using the Premama Vitamin Drink Mix when I whip up a smoothie or mix it into my favorite yogurt, and I don’t have to worry about getting those pills down. It’s completely unflavored, so there’s no added taste! Premama recommends adding the packets to smoothies or parfaits and not just water. They also recommend against heating or warming the supplements.

This is my favorite smoothie recipe for adding the Premama supplement:

Berry Smoothie
- 4 oz Greek or Australian yogurt
- 2 tablespoons cream
- handful of berries - raspberries, bluberries, blackberries, etc.
- Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth.
Premama products contain folic acid levels similar to many prescription prenatal vitamins as well as the leading OTC brands. They also contain Omega-3 fatty acids and non-constipating iron usually only found in prescription prenatal multivitamins.

They have a variety of products to support women who are trying to conceive with a Fertility supplement to those expecting and breastfeeding mamas for before, during, and after pregnancy.
I cannot wait to try the Lactation supplement after my baby is born. Because I have c-sections, my milk tends to take a little while to come in, and I usually end up taking Fenugreek to help increase my milk supply. I was excited to see that Premama Lactation support contains Fenugreek and more.
If you’re trying to conceive, pregnant, or even nursing, check out the Premama products.