Did you forget someone this past holiday season? There’s still time! I’ve whipped up a super easy Belated Holiday Gift Basket she’s sure to love with an Amopé Pedi Perfect™ Electronic Foot File. You can even print off an adorable free printable card just in the nick of time for a Happy Belated Holiday!
I’ve been really hard on my feet forever. I was a skater and dancer, and I prefer to be barefoot at home. This has given me rough, cracked heels, and before I found the Amopé Pedi Perfect™ Electronic Foot File I hated wearing sandals or being in public barefoot. Now I can do it without any worries!
My husband actually saw it at Walmart in a big display right by the lotions and shampoos. He knows how much I dislike my heels. Right now they have an exclusive Holiday Bonus Pack with an extra refill! We grabbed two, one for me and one for my mom to turn into a gift basket. She has my same cracked heel problem.
Using one of these is such a great way to relax. My husband actually does it for me. We listen to a podcast together or watch Netflix, and he rubs my feet and runs the Amope on my heels. This way they stay smooth and nice, and I have no worries.
Amopé Pedi Perfect™ Electronic Foot File is so easy to use right out of the package! There’s no sharp blades. The roller surface has microabrasive particles to gently exfoliate easily and quickly. You simply insert the roller into the device, insert batteries, and turn it on!
Make sure your feet are clean and dry. Don’t pre-soak your feet. Next, pass it over the dry skin with light to medium pressure for 3-4 seconds on a spot. Continue making passes over the dead skin until it’s removed. I’ve found using it once or twice a week keeps my heels looking and feeling silky soft.
With busy schedules, we don’t always get holiday gifts to everyone on time. I created this belated holiday gift basket just for that purpose. It’s full of things just for her. Here’s what I included:
- Amopé Pedi Perfect™ Electronic Foot File
- relaxing face masks
- comfy fuzzy socks made to look like lollipops!
- nail polish
- chocolates
- foot scrub
Here’s a quick little tutorial to make the lollipop socks:
You’ll need:
- 4 Large emery boards
- 2 pairs of fuzzy socks
- 4 rubber bands
- 4 clear cookie gift bags with ties
The cookie bags are rounded, which fit a little nicer around the sock once it’s rolled up. But, if you can only find regular clear treat bags, they will work well, too.
- Lay out one sock horizontal
- Fold it in half lengthwise. I tucked the little extra part of the heel into the fold.
- Then roll the sock up.
- Now that the sock is tightly rolled up, wrap a rubber band around the sides to keep its shape.
- Next, insert it into the cookie bag. Slip the emery board behind it like a stick.
- Then, twist tie it together to form the lollipop.
- With two pairs of socks, you’ll end up with four lollipops.
After I got the basket all together, I whipped up a cute little printable “Belated Happy Holidays” card. You can download your own copy HERE.
I cannot wait to give this gift! I think she’s going to love it!
Before you grab your own, don’t forget about the great savings this holiday season on the Amopé Pedi Perfect™ foot file. There’s a $5 coupon on coupons.com redeemable at Walmart nationwide!
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Amopé™. The opinions and text are all mine.